If you are currently facing charges for driving under the influence, or DUI, in the State of Nebraska you probably already know the penalties for a conviction of DUI in Nebraska can be harsh. In recent years the State of Nebraska has strengthened their laws and penalties relating to drinking and driving offenses in an effort to reduce the number of drinking and driving accidents and arrests in the state. One area in which the penalties have increased is mandatory license suspension/revocation. Even a first time offender will immediately lose his or her driving privileges if arrested for DUI in Nebraska. Often, the loss of driving privileges is more detrimental to a driver than a conviction itself. One option may be to have an ignition interlock device, or IID, installed in your vehicle should you find yourself facing the loss of your driving privileges for any length of time.
An ignition interlock device is a device that is installed in your vehicle. In essence it works like a mini breath test. Each time you wish to start the vehicle you must first blow into the device. The device then takes a sample of your breath and runs a chemical test for the presence of alcohol. Of alcohol is detected the vehicle will not start. Once the vehicle is started, random tests will be required as long as the vehicle remains running. If alcohol is detected the vehicle will warn the driver to pull over and shut the vehicle off. In addition, the device keep a record of all test data and the record is forwarded it the court and/or the supervising agency.
You may be required to install an IID prior to being convicted of DUI and/or after a conviction. When you are charged with DUI in Nebraska the Administrative License Revocation law, or ALR, allows the arresting officer to confiscate your license. One way to get back on the road is apply for an Ignition Interlock Permit, or IIP. With an IIP you can continue to drive while your case is pending as long as you have an IID installed in your vehicle.
A judge could also make installation of an IID part of a sentence if you are ultimately convicted of DUI in Nebraska. In that case you must keep the IID installed in your vehicle for as long as the sentence requires.
If you have been charged with an alcohol related driving offense and you have additional questions about the Ignition Interlock Permit or the Ignition Interlock Device in general, contact the Petersen Law Office 24 hours a day at 402-513-2180 to discuss your case with an experienced DUI defense attorney.