Established in 1995, Petersen Criminal Law follows a simple philosophy: Our clients are innocent until proven otherwise. The lawyer of our firm Thomas M. Petersen has dedicated his career to this philosophy, helping clients in Omaha and the surrounding areas, ensuring their voices are heard in the criminal defense system.
He has led more than 6,000 criminal defense cases and has represented clients in several jurisdictions. This experience means he is a battle tested veteran in the criminal defense system who has vowed to work for you with all the knowledge he has acquired.
Your Decision Today Affects The Rest Of Your Life
Criminal charges mean that your future is at risk. No need to let a criminal case ruin your life, make the right decision today and protect your future.
You want an experienced criminal defense attorney in your corner. Someone who’s been down this road before and understands the risks. You don’t want a lawyer who is learning the law from your case when your freedom is at risk.
Focused On Clients In Omaha Nebraska: Criminal Defense Attorney With Experience
Clients throughout Omaha, Nebraska and the surrounding area know Tom’s reputation for diligent and tough representation. They also know that Tom has the experience they need and knows all the legal options and helps clients choose among these options wisely.
To provide our customers with this level of service, Tom works with each client one by one from the first visit to our firm. During this free, no obligation consultation, the lawyer will interview you to learn the facts of your case and to explain in simple language how the law applies to your case and the legal options you have.
We Do Not Scold, Do Not Judge, We Just Defend.
Call Petersen Criminal Law at 402-317-5564. You can also schedule your initial consultation to contact the firm online. All queries to our firm will remain completely confidential.