If you’ve received a reckless driving charge in Nebraska, you may be wondering what to do next. While it may seem like you have no options, an attorney can help defend your rights.
At Petersen Criminal Defense Law, we have experience helping clients navigate their reckless driving charges. Give us a call today to discuss your case.
Nebraska Reckless Driving Laws
Nebraska law defines two types of reckless driving: reckless driving and willful reckless driving
First, Nebraska’s reckless driving law defines standard reckless driving as driving a motor vehicle in a manner that indicates indifference or wanton disregard for the safety of people or property. On the other hand, Nebraska law defines willful reckless driving as driving a motor vehicle in a manner that indicates a willful, or intentional, disregard for the safety of people or property.
What Is the Difference Between Standard and Willful Reckless Driving in Nebraska?
The difference between the two forms of reckless driving in Nebraska depends on the driver’s intent.
For standard reckless driving, the driver must act with “wanton disregard” for the safety of individuals or property. This means that the driver appreciated the danger caused by his or her actions but was indifferent to the consequences of those actions.
Alternatively, a conviction for willful reckless driving requires that the driver willfully disregard the safety of others or their property. This means that the driver must have appreciated that his or her actions placed others or their property in imminent danger, and the driver intended that his or her actions would cause harm to persons or their property.
As you can see, these are very minor distinctions. Thus, whether a charge is for standard or willful reckless driving often depends on the opinion of the officer issuing the citation.
Penalties for Reckless Driving in Nebraska
For their first conviction of standard reckless driving, a motorist faces up to three months in jail and/or a fine of up to $500.
A first conviction for willful reckless driving can result in up to three months in jail and/or a fine of up to $500. Additionally, the motorist’s license will be suspended for no less than 30 days and no more than one year.
The penalty for standard or willful reckless driving in Nebraska enhances if it was the motorist’s second offense. A conviction carries a penalty of up to six months in jail and/or a fine of up to $1,000. Additionally, the motorist’s license will be suspended for no less than 60 days and no more than two years.
A third offense increases the penalty once more. The motorist faces up to one year in jail and must pay up to $1,000 in fines. There is also a one-year license suspension.
I Have a Reckless Driving Charge. Can I Get Out of It?
Having an attorney in your corner to defend your reckless driving charge can be invaluable. Tom Petersen has been helping clients in Omaha and the surrounding areas fight criminal charges for over 25 years. He has the experience necessary to provide a strong defense against your reckless driving charge. Contact us today for a free case evaluation.