The laws regarding on what constitutes as lewd conduct and how it is prosecuted may vary according to local jurisdiction; however, lewd conduct is generally classified as any act done by a person in a public area with the intention of inciting sexual arousal either with themselves or another individual. This broad definition includes indecent exposure, prostitution or the distribution of pornography. Due to the serious ramifications of a lewd conduct charge, it is important to begin taking action immediately to ensure your case is handled in a way that protects your reputation while minimizing penalties.
Know Your Rights
Although being charged with lewd conduct can be upsetting, it is important to remember that you have rights. According to Cornell University Law, every criminal defendant is granted the right to remain silent and to legal counsel as defined by the Fifth and Sixth amendments to the U.S. Constitution. By knowing your rights, you can avoid self-incrimination by politely requesting legal counsel before responding to questions posed by law enforcement officers.
Understand Possible Penalties
Lewd conduct charges can range from a simple misdemeanor to serious felonies depending upon the act with which you are accused. The penalties for these charges can vary according to the classification. For most lewd acts, you may be required to pay a fine or serve jail time. However, it is important to remember that lewd acts can be classified as a sexual offense that may require you to register as a sex offender if you are convicted.
Seek Professional Legal Services
To prosecute a lewd act, the courts must determine that you committed the act with the intent and awareness that others were present in the public space that could witness the behavior. Due to the serious consequences that you could face and the complicated process involved with proving innocence, it is always best to seek the advice of a qualified attorney.
When you are facing lewd conduct charges, it is important to proceed cautiously with your case to ensure you receive due process. By knowing your rights and seeking assistance from an attorney that will make sure your rights are upheld, you can rest assured that your lewd conduct charges will be handled in a way that preserves your reputation.